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Important questions for class XII


Chapter 1: Electric charge & field

State Coulomb’s law of electrostatics.

What is electric field intensity? Write its S.I. unit. Draw the electric field lines for

(i) q>0 (ii) q<0 (iii) two equal positive charges (iv) Electric diploe (v) Uniform electric field.

What is an electric dipole? Define dipole moment. Write its S.I. unit. Derive an expression for electric field due to dipole (i) At axial point (ii) At equatorial point.

Derive an expression for torque acting on dipole in an external electric field.

Define electric flux. Either electric flux is a scalar or vector quantity? Write its S.I. unit.

State gauss’s theorem & use it to derive an expression for electric field due to infinitely long charged straight wire of linear charge density λ. Draw the graph showing the variation of electric field with distance.

Derive an expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged spherical shell of radius ‘R’ at (i) outside the sphere (r>R) and inside the sphere (r<R). Draw the graph showing the variation of electric field with distance.

State gauss’s theorem & use it to derive an expression for electric field due to infinitely charged plane sheet of surface charge density σ. Draw the graph showing the variation of electric field with distance.

Chapter 2: Electric potential & capacitance

Define electric potential & electric potential difference. Write its S.I. unit. Derive expression for electric potential due to (i) a point charge (ii) electric dipole.

Find expression for electric potential at a point due to an electric dipole.

Find expression for electric potential due to an electric dipole at a point on 

(1). its Axis and 

(2). at a point on the equatorial plane.

Derive an expression for potential energy of a system of (i) two point charges and (iii) three point charges.

Derive and expression for potential energy of a two charges system q1 and q2 placed in a uniform electric field.

Derive an expression for work done in a rotating a dipole in a uniform electric field and hence find the expression for potential energy in this case.

Draw equipotential surface for (i) positive point charge (q>0) (ii) negative point charge (q<0) (ii) two equal positive charges (iii) Electric diploe and (v) uniform electric field.

Define electrical capacitance. Write its S.I. unit. State the principle of parallel plate capacitor. Derive an expression for its capacitance.

Chapter 3: Current electricity

Define drift velocity and relaxation time and derive an expression for drift velocity in terms of relaxation time.

Using the concept of free electron of free electrons in the conductor, derive the expression for resistivity/conductivity of a wire in terms of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation between current density and the applied electric field.

Define internal resistance of cell. On which factors internal resistance of a cell depends. Derive relation between emf and terminal potential of cell.

Two cells of emfs E1 & E2 and internal resistance r1 & r2 are connect in parallel. Find the expression for equivalent e.m.f. and internal resistance.

Two cells of emfs E1 & E2 and internal resistance r1 & r2 are connect in series. Find the expression for equivalent e.m.f. and internal resistance.

Draw the graph between resistivity and temperature for (i) copper (ii) nichrome and (iii) semiconductor.

State Kirchhoff’s laws for an electrical circuit. Which physical quantities are conserved in Kirchhoff’s laws?

What is Wheatstone bridge? Find the condition of balance Wheatstone bridge using Kirchhoff’s laws.

Chapter 4: Moving Charges & Magnetism

State Bio-Savart’s law. Write its vector form. Derive an expression for magnetic field at axial point of a current carrying circular coil.

State Ampere’s law. Apply it to find magnetic field due to (i) infinitely long straight current carrying wire (ii) Straight Solenoid

Derive expression for force between two infinitely long straight current carrying wires. Hence define ampere.

Derive an expression for the torque acting on a loop of N turns area A, carrying current I, when held in a uniform magnetic field B at an angle θ.

On which principle moving coil galvanometer works. Explain construction, theory and working of moving coil galvanometer (with labeled diagram). How galvanometer is converted into (i) Ammeter (ii) Voltmeter. Explain with circuit diagram in each case.

Chapter 5 : Magnetism & Matter

Explain the properties of para, dia and ferro-magnetic substances. Write the examples of each.

Draw the magnetic field lines pattern when (i) diamagnetic material and (ii) para magnetic material placed in a magnetic field.

Name the magnetic material whose magnetic susceptibility is (i) small and negative (ii) small and positive and (iii) very large and positive.

How will the magnetic susceptibility of (i) diamagnetic material and (ii) paramagnetic material vary with temperature.

Derive an expression for magnetic moment of revolving electron.

Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction

State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction and Lentz’ law.

Define magnetic flux. Either this quantity is scalar or vector? Write its S.I. unit.

Define self-inductance. Derive an expression for self inductance of a long straight solenoid. On which factors self-inductance of solenoid depends?

Define mutual inductance. Derive an expression for mutual inductance of two long straight solenoids. On which factors mutual inductance of two solenoids depends?

Chapter 7: Alternating Current

(a) Define(i) inductive reactance (ii) capacitive reactance and (iii) impedance.

(b) Draw the graph between (i) XL and frequency (ii) XC and frequency.

Find the expression for impedance in the circuit when resistor, inductor and capacitor are connected in series with AC source. Explain resonance condition.

Describe the principle, construction and working of AC generator with a neat labeled diagram.

Explain the construction, principle and theory of transformer. Write about different losses of transformer.

Chapter 8: Electromagnetic waves

Draw diagram of electromagnetic wave propagating in x-direction.

What is the relation between E and B for an electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum?

What is displacement current? Write its expression.

Electromagnetic Spectrum: (Radio, micro, infrared, visible, uv, x-ray and gamma rays) Frequency, wavelength and uses(applications).

Chapter 9: Ray Optics

A ray of light when moves from denser to rarer medium undergo total internal reflection. Drive the expression for critical angle in terms of speed of light in the respective media. Write the conditions for T.I.R.

What is optical fiber? Draw its diagram. Write its uses.

Draw the ray diagram for a right angled isosceles prism when incident ray (i) deviates through 90 degree and (ii) deviate through 180 degree

Derive mirror formula. Define linear magnification.

Draw the ray diagram for a prism. Derive and expression for refractive index of prism in terms of angle of minimum deviation.

Trace the rays of light showing the formation of an image due to a point object placed on the axis of a spherical surface separating the two media of refractive indices n1 and n2. Establish the relation between the distances of the object, the image and the radius of curvature from the central point of the spherical surfaces. Derive the lens-maker’s formula in case of a double convex lens. State the assumptions made and convention of signs used.

Draw a labeled ray diagram to show the formation of an image by a compound microscope (i) When final image formed at the least distance of distinct vision and (ii) when final image is formed at infinity (normal adjustment). Write the expressions for its magnifying power in each case.

Draw a labeled ray diagram to show the formation of an image by a refracting telescope (Astronomical telescope) (i) When final image formed at the least distance of distinct vision and (ii) when final image is formed at infinity (normal adjustment). Write the expressions for its magnifying power in each case.

Draw a labelled diagram of a reflecting type telescope (Cassegrain telescope). Write four advantages of a reflecting type telescope over a refracting type telescope.

Chapter 10: Wave Optics

What is wave front. State Huygens’s principle and use it to prove laws of

reflection and laws of refraction (Snell’s law).

What are coherent sources of light? Two slits in Young’s double slit exp. are illuminated by two different sodium lamps emitting light of the same Wavelength. Why is no interference pattern observed?

Draw the graph showing intensity distribution in young’s double experiment.

What is the effect on the interference pattern observed in a Young’s double slit experiment in the following cases:

Screen is moved away from the plane of the slits,

Separation between the slits is increased, and Widths of the slits are doubled, Give reasons for your answer.

What is diffraction of light? Discuss single slit experiment for diffraction. Draw the graph to show the relative intensity distribution for a single slit diffraction pattern. Obtain the expression for the width of central maxima.

Chapter 11: Dual nature of Radiation & Matter

Define (i) work Function (ii) Threshold frequency (iii) stopping potential

Write the name the phenomena which explains the quantum/particle nature of radiation.

Show on a plot the nature of variation of photoelectric current with the intensity of radiation incident on a photosensitive surface.

Plot a graph showing the variation of photoelectric current as a function of anode potential for two light beams having the same frequency but different intensities I1 and I2 (I1< I2).

Draw a plot showing the variation of photoelectric current with collector plate potential for two different frequencies, v1 < v2, of incident radiation having the same intensity. In which case will the stopping potential be higher? Justify your answer.

Draw a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiation for two photosensitive materials having work functions W1 and W2 (W1 < W2).

State laws of photoelectric emission.

Write the Einstein’s photelectric equation. Write Einstein’s theory which explain the photoelectric effect.

(i) What is the effect on photoelectric current if we increase (a) Intensity of light (b) Frequency of incident radiation? Justify your answer.

(ii) What is the effect on kinetic energy of electrons if we increase (a) Intensity of light (b) Frequency of incident radiation? Justify your answer.

Derive the Bohr’s quantization condition for angular momentum of the orbiting

of electron in hydrogen atom, using de Broglie’s hypothesis. Draw diagram.

Why photoelectric effect cannot be explained on the basis of wave nature of light? Give two reasons.

Plot a graph showing variation of de-Broglie wavelength λ versus 1/√V, where V is accelerating potential for two particles A and B carrying same charge but of masses m1, m2 (m1 > m2). Which one of the two represents a particle of smaller mass and why?

Chapter 12: Atoms

Draw the diagram of Geiger-Marsden experiment (alfa scattering experiment). Derive an expression of distance of closeted approach(r0) in this experiment.

State bohr’s postulates of atomic theory or Hydrogen atom. Drive an expression for (i) The radius of orbit. (ii) Total energy of electron in nth orbit.

THE total energy of and electron in the first excited state of hydrogen atom is -3.4 eV. Calculate

K.E. of the electron in this state.

P.E. of the electron in this state and

Which of the answer would change of the choice. Justify your answer?

Draw a neat labeled energy level diagram and explain the different series of spectral lines for the hydrogen atom.

Chapter 13: Nuclei

Write an expression for radius of nucleus (size of nucleus). If ratio of mass number of two nuclei is 8: 125, then find the ratio of their radii.

What is the ratio densities of two nuclei if ratio of their radii is 27:125 ?

What is the amount of energy in 1 atomic unit mass in eV?

Define (i) mass defect (ii) nuclear binding energy (iii) nuclear binding energy per nucleon.

Draw a graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number for different nuclei. Explain, with the help of this graph, the release of energy by the process of nuclear fission and fusion.

What is nuclear force? Write four properties of nuclear force. Draw the graph showing the variation in potential energy of any two nucleon and distance between them.

Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics: Material, Devices and Simple Circuits

What are energy bands? Distinguish between a conductor, an insulator and a semiconductor on the basis of energy band diagram.

What is the ratio of hole and electron concentration (number density) in intrinsic semiconductor?

At what temperature intrinsic semiconductor behaves like insulator?

Name the extrinsic semiconductor in which (i) hole concentration is greater than electron concentration and (ii) electron concentration is greater than hole concentration.

Name the extrinsic semiconductor formed by adding the impurities from (i) 13 group (B or In or Al) of periodic table and (ii) 15 group (As or P or Sb) of periodic table.

Draw energy Band diagram for n and p type semiconductors.

Explain formation of depletion region p-n junction. Define (i) potential barrier and (ii) depletion region. Write two important terms involved in the process of formation of depletion region.

How does its width change when the  junction is at

(i) Forward biased, and (ii) reverse biased  Explain with diagram?

Explain (i) forward biasing, (ii) reverse biasing of a P-N junction diode with the help of a circuit diagram, also draw its characteristic curve for (i) forward biasing,

(ii) reverse biasing of a P-N junction diode

Explain the use of a p-n junction diode as a rectifier. Draw the circuit diagram of a full wave rectifier/half wave and explain its working. Draw the input and output wave form.
