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Semiconductors ch14 class 12th

10. The frequency of AC input to a rectifier is 50 Hertz. What is the frequency of output wave form of (a) a half wave rectifier (b) a full wave rectifier?

9. Explain working of full wave rectifier. Draw input and output voltage waveforms.

8. Explain working of half wave diode rectifier. Draw input and output voltage waveforms.

7. What is the effect of  reverse bias on the deflection width?

6. What is the direction of drift current?

5. What is the effect of reverse bias on the potential barrier?

4. Give a circuit diagram to study the forward bias characteristic ?

3. Draw forward bas characteristic curve of pn junction diode. And define ac resistance ? Locate cut in voltage.

2. Which group's impurities are added to make p-type semiconductors?

1. Draw a band diagram of n type semiconductor ?
